If you're interested in joining us, you will be made most welcome. We are always happy to welcome new people into our regiment. It’s very sociable and although it can be tiring, there’s nothing quite like it for getting away from the rigours of daily life! There are numerous roles that you can do that will suit pretty much everyone. Below shows the sort of things that we do.
You must enjoy camping as in essence that’s what we’re doing for the weekends. We visit some fabulous historic locations all over the country. Children and pets are most welcome although children under the age of 14 aren’t allowed on to the battlefield.
King or Parliament?
Nobody cares; we do it for the love of it. (We do actually fight for Parliament, or if you like ‘The RoundHeads’)
In the first instance it probably best to email us by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Being Musketeer
As is self-evident by the name, a musketeer fires a musket. This is typically a matchlock musket, but flintlock muskets are, and were used. Historically the musket was seen as a tool and as such wouldn’t have been used by a gentleman. (But is a lot of fun!)

Being a Pikeman
Known as ‘Gentlemen of the Pike’ as the Pike was thought of as a noble weapon. The Pike is fashioned out of ‘ash’ wood to a length of sixteen to eighteen feet, and for our purposes a ‘not-so-sharp’ point. The pike was primarily a defensive weapon against cavalry.

Working with a Cannon
Be prepared and get ready to go 'BANG' and what a bang! This is our canon known as 'Thor'and as an artilleryman you would be involved in the loading, cleaning out and the firing of Thor.

Carrying the Flag
The ensign has the privilege of carrying the Regiment’s colours or flag. He or she is a junior officer in the regiment and historically would have been a gentleman and as such would have worn expensive clothes to show off his wealth, as did all officers.

Being a Drummer
Drummers communicate the orders to everyone. In the heat and noise of battle, voice commands can’t always be heard. However the drums can be heard above everything.
Water Carriers

Water Carriers
Water carriers, although not historically accurate, play an invaluable role for us. As you can imagine, it gets very hot and exhausting on the battlefield, and water carriers are in the midst of the battles supplying the troops with water. Water carriers are also often our First Aiders.

Being an Officer.
For each of the roles above, typically there will be an officer. He or she will report to our Commanding Officer. Officers will have experience through the ranks and will lead the divisions when in battle and keep a close eye on Health and Safety